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Planning and Zoning Commission


Government is supposed to help and support the people, not work against them. This past week, the Community Development Department of the City of Peoria put forth a 246 page plan for the "Revitalization" of different areas of the city, including the North Valley. Unfortunately, they did not offer any opportunity for residents of the North Valley to be included in the development of the plan over the last 2 years. I wrote an analysis of the document and am submitting it on behalf of a group of neighbors for inclusion into the public record with a request to remove the North Valley from this plan. This plan is in conflict with what we are doing in the neighborhood, is poorly researched, and risks the progress we have made in the neighborhood. Please email the members of the committee and ask them to listen to the residents and reject the inclusion of the North Valley into this plan. It is detrimental to our growth and the momentum we have seen over the last few years.

Thank you!

City of Peoria Plan:

North Valley Response

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