(309) 453 6951
Dedicated to making Peoria a better place to live, work and recreate. My community involvement, interpersonal and business skill sets, along with my experience working with government agencies for over 20 years, makes me the most qualified candidate to be elected as the next Mayor of Peoria.
Entrepreneur, Urban Acres, Peoria, IL
Started an urban farm in the North Valley of Peoria to address the food desert issues we faced with the closure of the grocery store in the area. We have provided over 5,000 pounds of produce in our first three years.
Host and run the North Valley Farmers Market since 2018. Since its inception, we have worked with over 40 local, small businesses that were looking for a venue to sell their products.
Created incubator space for commercial and retail start up businesses in the North Valley.
Account Manager, Caterpillar Defense, Peoria, IL
Manage multi-million-dollar contracts and sales with federal civilian agencies in the United States and with foreign governments in Asia Pacific, Latin America, and Western Europe.
Industrial and Waste Region Manager, Caterpillar, Harrisburg, PA
Managed the sale of Caterpillar equipment for the East Coast of the United States, supporting industrial, waste, and governmental customers.
Government and Waste Industry Rep., Caterpillar, Dallas, TX
Managed the sale of Caterpillar equipment for the region that included Oklahoma, Texas, Louisiana, and Mississippi. Oversaw and partnered with dealers in the region with a responsibility for sales in excess of $800M.
Industry Rep., Caterpillar, Peoria, IL
Introduced and managed the global sale of landfill equipment to private and governmental customers.
Data Specialist., Tri-County Regional Planning Commission, Peoria, IL
Managed IDOT contracts for data collection, helped launch PeoriaGIS.com, and collected data to support the development of public policy in this region.
Leadership & Teambuilding
Leads by example
Advocates for citizens and businesses
Collaborates with multiple groups to affect positive change
Listens and addresses customer needs
Cheerleads for Peoria
Inspires people
Adapts to changing conditions
Business & Analytical
Executes short-term actions to achieve long-term goals
Makes timely, research-based decisionsUnderstands policy and contracts
Persists in achieving a goal
Manages government contracts
Uses critical thinking to solve problems by creating opportunities
Trained in change management
Negotiates for success
MAY 2007
B.S.–Political Science, Bradley University, Peoria, IL
Peoria Activities & Awards
Annually completes Government Contracts and Compliance training
2019–Present: Secretary of the Board, Peoria Citizens Community for Economic Opportunity (PCCEO)
2018–Present: Board of Directors, Peoria Friendship House
2017–Present, 2000–2005: Board of Directors, Peoria Citizens Community for Economic Opportunity (PCCEO)
** Lived outside of Peoria 2008-2016 **
2006–2008: Board of Directors, Boy Scouts of America Soccer and Scouting Program
2004: Peoria Jaycees Prescott E. Bloom Award Recipient
2004: Peoria Neighborhood Service Award
2003–2005: Planning Chairman of Latino Fest
2001–2006: Board of Directors, Hispanic Outreach Program